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Tour 2. Complete Streets

Walking Tour along Pleasant Street

in downtown Northampton

Led by: Wayne Feiden and/or Carolyn Misch of the Office of Planning and Sustainability for the City of Northampton

Participate in a guided, walking tour of the recently revamped gateway to downtown Northampton. This stretch of Pleasant Street recently upgraded to meet new MA DOT standards incorporates a variety of Complete Street safety and design features that provide safety and accessibility for all users of all abilities including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and motorists

Wayne Feiden, AICP, is the Director of Planning and Sustainability for the City of Northampton, Mass. Under his tenure, Northampton has become one of the most livable and sustainable small cities in New England.

Carolyn Misch, AICP, is the Senior Land -Use Planner and Permit manager in the Department of Planning and Sustainability, City of Northampton.

Their office focus includes resilience, sustainability, downtown revitalization, multimodal transportation, open space preservation, assessments, and management. 

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